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    This Month

    A rise in refugee applications is being blamed on students wanting to stay in the country.

    Crackdown on overseas students triggers rise in refugee applications

    A big spike in applications for refugee status is being explained by the federal government’s attempts to cut the number of overseas students in the country.

    • Julie Hare
    Alana Anderson says migration changes are having a devastating impact on colleges like hers.

    Private colleges ‘collateral damage’ of migration changes

    Alana Anderson’s business might have won exporter of the year for the NT but nothing is going to save her from the government’s migration agenda.

    • Julie Hare
    Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and ASIO director-general Mike Burgess.

    Albanese should call out the Greens on antisemitism

    The PM is correct that “words matter”. So he should stop talking in code about the elevated terror threat.

    • John Roskam
    Lizzeth Neira is an international student from Colombia studying English and Marketing on the Gold Coast.

    ‘Careful what you wish for’: The hidden hit in foreign student caps

    Foreign student enrolments in Canada plunged far more than expected after the government capped visas, in a salutary tale for Australia.

    • Julie Hare
    Anti-migration protesters during riots outside the Holiday Inn Express in Manvers, England, at the weekend. The hotel is being used as an asylum hotel.

    Populist surge makes it essential to spread gains of migration

    Conflict over migration is now breaking out into the open in Western nations. But excessive limits would have a high cost too.

    • Tanveer Ahmed
    Plans to cap international students are both reckless and unworkable, a Senate hearing has been told.

    Foreign student crackdown is ‘economic self-sabotage’: uni chiefs

    The policy change is over-reach, interventionist, Draconian and probably unworkable, scores of experts told a a Senate inquiry.

    • Julie Hare
    The University of Sydney will have to shed over 12,000 overseas students to meet the government’s proposed cap of 40 per cent enrolments.

    Unis to be capped at 40pc overseas students

    The federal government will limit universities to 40 per cent international enrolments and bring numbers back to 2019 levels.

    • Julie Hare
    The extra judges for the FCFCOA will be spread across five registries.

    New migration judges appointed to stop ‘bad actors’

    Nine new federal judges will start work on Monday as part of a push to tackle delays in migration cases.

    • Michael Pelly
    Caps on foreign student numbers could devastate the economy.

    Telling overseas students what they can study is ‘pointless’

    Dictating what overseas students can and cannot study to help Australia’s skills profile achieves little because 84 per cent of them go home, ANU analysis says.

    • Julie Hare
    Tony Burke has been given the new super portfolio of immigration and home affairs.

    Burke working on steps for 2000 Palestinians to stay in Australia

    “Obviously, no country in the world would send people back to Gaza at the moment,” says the Home Affairs minister.

    • Ronald Mizen
    Police officers detain a woman during a protest in Nottingham.

    Far-right riots sweep Britain over child murders

    Police officers were injured and shops were looted as anti-immigrant activists faced off with anti-racism protesters in cities and towns across the UK.

    • Belinda Jiao and Amanda Ferguson
    The suburbs with the most international students have above-average rental vacancy rates.

    Vacancy rates show overseas students being scapegoated: unis

    New analysis shows locals in Australia’s three biggest cities have a better chance of finding an apartment in suburbs with large international student populations.

    • Julie Hare
    Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations and Minister for the Arts and Leader of the House Tony Burke.

    Like Howard, Albanese knows two heirs apparent are better than one

    Labor’s leadership succession plan seems less obvious than it did six months ago.

    • Phillip Coorey
    The Greens’ housing spokesman, Max Chandler-Mather, and Housing Minister Clare O’Neil.

    Greens prepared to be flexible on housing demands

    The Greens say their demands to curb the CGT exemptions and negative gearing deductions are not a condition of their support for housing bills in the Senate

    • Phillip Coorey


    Australia Day

    Multicultural report buries Australia’s British past

    The institutions that Britain brought – parliamentary democracy, the rule of law, an independent judiciary and a free press – are the very institutions which have allowed multiculturalism to flourish. This report ignores them.

    • James Curran
    A soft labour market and easy access to residency is attracting record numbers of New Zealanders to Australia.

    An exodus from NZ means there are more Kiwis here than ever before

    Concessions to give New Zealanders quicker access to permanent residency are contributing to high migration levels.

    • Julie Hare
    Nobody will even look at staying anywhere with a rating below four stars.

    Surge in expats coming home could thwart migration targets

    Strong labour conditions are attracting Australian citizens back from overseas. It could be a political problem for Labor.

    • Tom McIlroy
    Fatima Payman will set on the Senate crossbench.

    New sectarianism has Albanese in a multicultural muddle

    A commitment to multiculturalism doesn’t answer why “Muslim Votes Matter” sits so uneasily with Australia’s liberal democracy.

    • John Roskam
    Protesters clash with riot police during May Day demonstrations in Paris, France.

    Australia’s great threat is a clash of civilisations

    Seismic undercurrents of discontent are surfacing in society as religious beliefs collide and a generation is locked out of the housing market.

    • John Carroll
    Pro-Palestine protests outside Victoria’s state parliament in November. Gaza has become a meta issue for young Muslims.

    Our larrikin egalitarianism is more appealing than tribalism

    This is another critical time for this nation’s multiculturalism. Anthony Albanese must lead the case against sectarian identity politics that might unsettle it.

    • Tanveer Ahmed